Request test
Phone number with international format e.g. 16315555555 or +1 631-555-555
Request URL{{instance_id}}/messages/product
Request body
Token *Required
to *Required

Phone number with international format e.g. 16315555555 or +1 631-555-555

header *Required

Max length : 60 char .

body *Required

Max length : 1024 char .

footer *Required

Max length : 60 char .

catalog_id *Required

Unique identifier of the Facebook catalog linked to your WhatsApp Business Account. catalog_id can be retrieved through Commerce Manager.

product *Required

Max products : 30

multiple section with section title (json)


TITLE Max length : 20 char .
Note :product_id in the same section must be unique

Request samples
Note : don't forget to URL encode your query params like base64 or utf-8
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