Come inviare un’API WhatsApp utilizzando Clojure


In questo snippet di codice, imparerete come inviare un’API WhatsApp utilizzando Clojure, per inviare un messaggio di testo, modelli WhatsApp, media, pulsanti interattivi, liste, prodotti … ecc, Alvochat account è necessario per eseguire i seguenti codici. Create un account se non ne avete uno.

Inviare un modello utilizzando le API di WhatsApp con Clojure

(require '[clj-http.client :as client])

(client/post "" {:headers {:content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}:form-params {
:token "YourToken"
:to "16315555555"
:name "hello_world"
:language "en_us"
:header ""
:body ""
:buttons ""
:priority ""

Inviare un messaggio di testo utilizzando le API di WhatsApp con Clojure

(require '[clj-http.client :as client])

(client/post "" {:headers {:content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}:form-params {
:token "YourToken"
:to "16315555555"
:body "WhatsApp API on works good"
:priority ""
:preview_url ""
:message_id ""

Invia immagine

(require '[clj-http.client :as client])

(client/post "" {:headers {:content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}:form-params {
:token "YourToken"
:to "16315555555"
:image ""
:caption "image caption"
:priority ""
:message_id ""

Inviare l’audio

(require '[clj-http.client :as client])

(client/post "" {:headers {:content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}:form-params {
:token "YourToken"
:to "16315555555"
:audio ""
:priority ""
:message_id ""

Invia il video

(require '[clj-http.client :as client])

(client/post "" {:headers {:content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}:form-params {
:token "YourToken"
:to "16315555555"
:video ""
:caption "video caption"
:priority ""
:message_id ""

Inviare il documento

(require '[clj-http.client :as client])

(client/post "" {:headers {:content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}:form-params {
:token "YourToken"
:to "16315555555"
:document ""
:filename ""
:priority ""
:message_id ""

Invia l’adesivo

(require '[clj-http.client :as client])

(client/post "" {:headers {:content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}:form-params {
:token "YourToken"
:to "16315555555"
:sticker ""
:priority ""
:message_id ""

Inviare il contatto

(require '[clj-http.client :as client])

(client/post "" {:headers {:content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}:form-params {
:token "YourToken"
:to "16315555555"
:contact ""
:priority ""
:message_id ""

Invia posizione

(require '[clj-http.client :as client])

(client/post "" {:headers {:content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}:form-params {
:token "YourToken"
:to "16315555555"
:lat "37.484296"
:lng "-122.148703"
:address "Menlo Park, California, United States"
:name "Meta Headquarters"
:priority ""
:message_id ""

Inviare l’elenco

(require '[clj-http.client :as client])

(client/post "" {:headers {:content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}:form-params {
:token "YourToken"
:to "16315555555"
:header "header"
:body " please select one of the following options"
:footer "footer"
:button "options"
:sections "option_1,option_2,option_3"
:priority ""
:message_id ""

Pulsante di invio

(require '[clj-http.client :as client])

(client/post "" {:headers {:content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}:form-params {
:token "YourToken"
:to "16315555555"
:header "header"
:body " please select one of the following options"
:footer "footer"
:buttons "option_1,option_2,option_3"
:priority ""
:message_id ""

Inviare i prodotti

(require '[clj-http.client :as client])

(client/post "" {:headers {:content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}:form-params {
:token "YourToken"
:to "16315555555"
:header "header"
:body "Hi , check out our new products"
:footer "footer"
:catalog_id ""
:product ""
:priority ""
:message_id ""

È possibile consultare la documentazione completa dell’API di Whatsapp qui.